
How To Make 6-Minute Caramel

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1 Start Simple: In a medium-sized, heavy-bottomed pan, combine the granulated sugar and water. Ensure the sugar is evenly moistened.

2 Heat it Up: Place the pan over medium-high heat. Allow the sugar to dissolve completely without stirring. Avoid stirring to prevent crystallization.

3 Observe the Change: As the mixture heats, it will start to bubble. The bubbles will increase and then decrease in size as the water evaporates.

4 Seek the Golden Hue: After 4-5 minutes, the syrup will transform into a beautiful amber color. This indicates it has reached the caramel stage.

5 Cool it Down: Immediately remove the pan from heat. Slowly pour in the heavy cream while whisking continuously. Be cautious, as the mixture will bubble vigorously.

6 Add Flavors: Whisk in the vanilla extract (if using) and a pinch of salt until the caramel is smooth and silky.
7 Serve and Impress: Drizzle the warm caramel over ice cream, pancakes, or any dessert of your choice.

Enjoy the delightful taste of your homemade 6-minute caramel!

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